CUDA templates - a C++ interface to the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit



The "CUDA templates" are a collection of C++ template classes and functions which provide a consistent interface to NVIDIA's "Compute Unified Device Architecture" (CUDA), hiding much of the complexity of the underlying CUDA functions from the programmer.

Main features

The main features of the CUDA templates are:


The following components must be installed on your machine before you can use the CUDA templates:


Here is a small example which demonstrates the basic features of the CUDA templates. It allocates two three-dimensional arrays in host memory and one corresponding array in device memory. Data is copied from the first host array to the device and then back to the second host array. Finally the allocated resources are freed. Full error checking is provided.

The following code uses the CUDA runtime functions:

// allocate host memory:
float *mem_host1 = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * SIZE[0] * SIZE[1] * SIZE[2]);
float *mem_host2 = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * SIZE[0] * SIZE[1] * SIZE[2]);

if((mem_host1 == 0) || (mem_host2 == 0)) {
  cerr << "out of memory\n";

// init host memory:

// allocate device memory:
cudaExtent extent;
extent.width = SIZE[0];
extent.height = SIZE[1];
extent.depth = SIZE[2];
cudaPitchedPtr mem_device;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc3D(&mem_device, extent));

// copy from host memory to device memory:
cudaMemcpy3DParms p = { 0 };
p.srcPtr.ptr = mem_host1;
p.srcPtr.pitch = SIZE[0] * sizeof(float);
p.srcPtr.xsize = SIZE[0];
p.srcPtr.ysize = SIZE[1];
p.dstPtr.ptr = mem_device.ptr;
p.dstPtr.pitch = mem_device.pitch;
p.dstPtr.xsize = SIZE[0];
p.dstPtr.ysize = SIZE[1];
p.extent.width = SIZE[0] * sizeof(float);
p.extent.height = SIZE[1];
p.extent.depth = SIZE[2];
p.kind = cudaMemcpyHostToDevice;

// copy from device memory to host memory:
p.srcPtr.ptr = mem_device.ptr;
p.srcPtr.pitch = mem_device.pitch;
p.dstPtr.ptr = mem_host2;
p.dstPtr.pitch = SIZE[0] * sizeof(float);
p.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost;

// verify host memory:

// free memory:

The CUDA templates equivalent of this code is given below. Every operation is performed by a single statement. Resource deallocation is implicit.

try {
  // allocate host memory:
  Cuda::HostMemoryHeap3D<float> mem_host1(SIZE[0], SIZE[1], SIZE[2]);
  Cuda::HostMemoryHeap3D<float> mem_host2(SIZE[0], SIZE[1], SIZE[2]);

  // init host memory:

  // allocate device memory:
  Cuda::DeviceMemoryPitched3D<float> mem_device(SIZE[0], SIZE[1], SIZE[2]);

  // copy from host memory to device memory:
  copy(mem_device, mem_host1);

  // copy from device memory to host memory:
  copy(mem_host2, mem_device);

  // verify host memory:
catch(const exception &e) {
  cerr << e.what();

Generated on Sun Sep 13 00:55:14 2009 for cudatemplates by  doxygen 1.5.6